Incoming secure communication… Mobile Laser Tag
If you can’t make it to Perth’s coolest resort based battlefield with bunkers, huts, bridges, cam nets, fox holes and more, then we can come to you!
Mobile Laser Tag incursions are perfect for School reward days, Schools Camps, Fetes, Cadet groups etc
Indoors or Outdoors
It is great fun and we do all the work for you; we can either set up an area with inflatable’s, play around buildings or in nearby bush. We provide all of the equipment, oversee the running of the games and pack it all up again. There is no mess, no fuss.
Schools groups and festivals can play for most of the day rotating groups through or if preferred, play for a shorter time.
We play a mixture simple forgiving missions. Missions can be scored but as it is a team based activity we recommend no individual scores.
Safety is our first consideration:
Supervisors are provided who explain the safety rules as well as the game rules
Our Laser Taggers do not fire a laser beam they fire a harmless infra red beam similar to that used in TV remote control
We use a master controller that activates & deactivates player’s taggers immediately which makes group control easier and safer.
All players are required to wear closed in shoes
We have full public liability insurance from an Australian insurer
Cost effective
As we can run 2 or 3 classrooms per hr if required. A Laser Tag incursion can be very cost effective if the whole year group or school play.
Depending on the school size this can bring the per student cost down to around $6.00ea